Maintenance Services:
- Store patio furniture
Pest Control:
- Winter Deer Defeat protection spray for evergreens at end of October
Plant Bed Maintenance:
- Mums installation
- Plant garlic
- Prepare plant beds for winter
- Cut-backs
Tick & Biting Insect Control:
- Damminix® Tick Tubes for perimeter of property: each tube covers a radius of 30’, and should be placed where mice and other rodents inhabit or travel (i.e.; property boundaries, in brush or woods, planting beds around buildings, or in landscaped planting beds, stone walls, under decks and porches). Tube lifetime is 90 days.
Tree Applications:
- Evergreen anti-transpirant
- Root push deep feeding for trees and shrubs (April, May or June), for new tree transplants, or plantings. Repeat in October or November.